Xi Jinping
「もう中国には行かない」「IOC理解できない」… 金メダリストも 露骨に「批判」 https://news.yahoo.co.jp/articles/4b4242263b2c9cc1470acb2c1b13a5e3bd20d8d6 ウイグル チベット モンゴル 内モンゴル 民族浄化 虐殺 漢人住み込みレイプ 強制妊娠 人口減少 …
The Xia, Shang, Sui, Tang, Liao, Jin, Yuan and Qing dynasties were ruled by different ethnic groups, not Han Chinese. The Chinese continent has a long history, but it is not the history of China as a country. It would be strange if the Uni…
China’s True COVID-19 Death Toll 366 Times Higher Than Official Figure, Analyst Says https://m.theepochtimes.com/china-underreporting-covid-19-death-rate-by-17000-percent-economist-says_4211606.html The Chinese regime has likely understate…
Official account of Consul General of Communist China in Japan “lookism” tweet about East Turkestan ↓ “Elementary school students in Xinjiang with too much facial deviation Xinjiang is a very nice place. I hope you will come to Xinjiang an…
Sidney Powell "It will be BIBLICAL" Election such as Hillary’s primary victory over Sen.Sanders, forged by Dominion and HE KNOWS!https://t.co/zmRavqiXRcトランプの弁護士パウエル氏は「ドミニオンによりヒラリー対サンダースの予備選も操作されそ…
the land which China now sits has a long history. The communist People's Republic of China, officially established in 1949, does not represent the history.There were many nations and races which had occupied the land in the long history.Pe…
Xi Jinping welcomed right in front of a toilet by the UK government.LMAO習近平、イギリス政府にトイレ前で歓迎されるwwwwwwwwwwww臭近辺かwwwwwwww