Did you know the Atomic bomb killed the Catholic people during a Mass at the Urakami Cathedral in #Nagasaki ? あなたは長崎の原爆で浦上天主堂で礼拝中のキリスト教徒が犠牲になったのを知っていましたか? #長崎 “このキリスト像と浦上天主堂の余り…
The Americans says “The atomic bomb attacks were necessary to end the war.” which is not true.There are rules even in times of war.“It was necessary to save lives of young American soldiers.”No, you are only saying you can do anything to s…
For the dignity of the American people Obama should apologize. But, Japanese people will not ask nor request for an apology.If America will grow up, Obama will decide for himself to apologize for Hiroshima and Nagasaki attacks.But America …