
日本は「言霊」と「革命」に支配されている。それを超える情けある言論を。 言霊に縛られた考え方と革命的な思想を使わず、情けのある言葉を発して行きます。 言霊:言った言葉は現実となる。  革命的な思想:現在の社会は間違ったものであり正しい考え方の人間で社会運営してゆくべきという思想。社会も永遠に近い時を経ている訳で全とっかえしたら大変な事です。 中国等に現出したこの世の地獄のような国家は酷いものです。

What do you know about Takeshima?

What do you know about Takeshima?
 ● Takeshima is indisputably an inherent part of the territory of Japan, in light of historical facts and based upon international law.
 ● The Republic of Korea (ROK) unilaterally took over Takeshima and has been illegally occupying it ever since.
 ● Continuing a peaceful existence since the end of World War II, Japan will continue to seek a peaceful settlement of the dispute.
Background to Takeshima
 Takeshima is located in the Sea of Japan and is part of Okinoshima Town of Shimane Prefecture. Its’ total land mass is 0.21 km2 and it is primarily comprised of two islands, Higashijima (Mejima) Island and Nishijima (Ojima) Island. They are rugged islands made of
volcanic rock with little vegetation or drinking water.
Japan’s Territorial Sovereignty over Takeshima
  Numerous maps and documents clearly demonstrate that Japan has recognized the existence of Takeshima for centuries. In the early 17th century, Japanese merchants were given permission for passage to Utsuryo Island by the Japanese government, and they used Takeshima
 as a navigational port for ships on their way to Utsuryo Island as well as a ground to catch sea lions and other marine resources. Japan established sovereignty over Takeshima by the mid 17th century.
  In the early 1900s, residents of the islands of Shimane Prefecture called for a stable situation to conduct their sea lion hunting business.
 The Japanese government incorporated Takeshima into Shimane Prefecture in January 1905, following by a Cabinet decision. By doing so, the Japanese government reaffirmed its sovereignty over Takeshima.

Illegal Occupation of Takeshima by the ROK
  In January 1952, the then President of the Republic of Korea, Syngman Rhee, unilaterally drew the so-called “Syngman Rhee Line,” incorporating Takeshima into the ROK side of the line. This act clearly went against international law. As a result of this decision, numerous Japanese fishing boats crossing the line were captured by the Korean authorities, resulting in several Japanese casualties. In July 1953, the Korean authorities fired at a patrol vessel of the Japan Coast Guard that was sailing near Takeshima. Since that time, the Republic of Korea has continued its illegal occupation of Takeshima, stationing security personnel and taking further unilateral actions, such as constructing lodgings, a monitoring facility, a lighthouse, a port and
 docking facilities on the islands.


Japan’s Response to Takeshima
  Japan has repeatedly lodged protests in the strongest terms against the Republic of Korea’s illegal occupation of Takeshima. In order to resolve this dispute in a peaceful manner, Japan has proposed to refer this case to the International Court of Justice on three occasions since 1954. However, the Republic of Korea has rejected all of these proposals.
  Japan and the Republic of Korea have built a relationship of trust through activities such as jointly hosting the 2002 FIFA World Cup. In order to establish genuine, friendly relations between the two nations, Japan will continue to seek the settlement of its dispute in the basis of international law in a calm and peaceful manner.



日本は「言霊」と「革命」に支配されている。それを超える情けある言論を。 言霊に縛られた考え方と革命的な思想を使わず、情けのある言葉を発して行きます。 言霊:言った言葉は現実となる。その現実が良くない場合、言った人が責任を問われるので、良い事ばかり言う方が良い。 運動会前に「明日は雨になりそうで傘は必要」と言う人が居て、雨が降ると「お前が言うから降った」と抗議され、「傘の心配までして雨を呼び寄せた」という信仰。 革命的な思想:現在の社会は間違ったものであり、正しい考え方の人間で社会運営してゆくべきという思想。 社会も永遠に近い時を経ている訳で全とっかえしたら大変な事です。 中国等に現出したこの世の地獄のような国家は酷いものです。 最近の風潮は堅苦しい正義を振りかざすような言論がまかり通っています。 物事の複合的な面を認められずに、悪い処を見つけたら人格否定、社会的抹殺をするやり方は革命的な思考、嗜好、志向だと思います。